Move better.


Short version: Hey, welcome to this space! I’m a Movement & Mobility specialist with a focus working with pregnancy & postpartum athletes. I have two boys, one dog, and a spouse in the Army.

Long version: Working out & movement was always a side job & hobby for me in my early twenties.

I worked throughout college on the floor of a gym and Physical Therapist’s office, but after that, it was always a hobby. But somehow, I’d always find myself leading a small group of friends, or volunteering to bring the workout, or offering to plan the “yoga & brunch” event.

It wasn’t until after I became a mom for the first time that I started to consider doing this “hobby” for my full-time job. With a gentle nudge from a friend, I completed a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training program, and that’s when things took off. Very quickly I was teaching yoga, barre, and boot camp-style classes – sometimes 11 classes a week, but I was also missing some postpartum athletic guidance and navigating my own frustrating symptoms.

When we relocated to Texas I started a fitness program made for moms & became a Pregnancy & Postpartum Athletic Coach. I completed other accessory certifications that elevated my group fitness coaching – Functional Range Conditioning, USAW Lv 1, Crossfit Lv 1 – and started bringing everything together for my clients.

What makes me different from other trainers & online programs is my ability to bring Pregnancy & Postpartum coaching, mobility solutions, and an understanding of programming together. I show people how to utilize modifications & amplifications within their existing programming in a way that makes sense for their body.

As a client learns more about their individual tendencies, they can bring that knowledge into any movement practice, class, programming, or experience. I teach them how to exploit the grey area between “walk or run” and pushups from your “toes or knees,” and provide explanation WHEN amplifications & modifications should be taken.

A positive & overall beneficial relationship with movement, to me, has become far more important than hitting PRs in the weight-room or nailing that fancy yoga poses.



Intentional Coaching

Let’s talk about how to take your current programming & apply smart Pregnancy & Postpartum considerations. It’s more than a date on the calendar of regression/progression, but how you can progressively unload during pregnancy and progressively load in postpartum.

1:1 Training & Consults

There’s a gap between 1:1 personal training and group fitness. That’s where I come in! I’ll give you the roadmap to customizing your current exercise routine to best suit your pregnancy/postpartum recovery. Mobility drills, supportive movement patterns, and more!

Mobility for Moms

Get more out of your training with a hybrid yoga/mobility routine that will keep your body at it’s best. Easy morning routines with must-do mobility moves hitting all the spots to set you up for your day.

What makes Amanda different

My focus and desire for clients to understand the why & how in addition to the “what.” Understanding why & how you’re doing something helps you find success & enjoy it!